Migation Issues in Drupal

What steps do i need to follow to do migration in Drupal from wordpress? which issues will i face?

Migrating from WordPress to Drupal can be a rewarding but technical process. Here’s a breakdown of the steps and potential issues you might encounter:


  1. Assess your WordPress site: Identify what content needs migrating (pages, posts, comments, media, users) and any custom functionalities used.
  2. Choose your migration method:
  • WordPress Migrate module: This Drupal module is the most popular and reliable option for basic content migration.
  • Third-party migration tools: Services like “WP All Export” and “Migrate Guru” offer additional features and support for complex migrations.
  • Manual migration: For small sites or specific content, manual manipulation of exported data might be feasible.
  1. Set up a Drupal site: Install and configure Drupal on your hosting environment. Choose a compatible version with your WordPress plugin or tool.


  1. Export your WordPress content: Use the “Export” tool in WordPress to generate an XML file (WXR format) containing your content.
  2. Install and configure the migration module: In Drupal, install the relevant module (e.g., WordPress Migrate) and configure its settings according to your data formats and needs.
  3. Import your content: Run the import process within the chosen module, mapping WordPress fields to Drupal equivalents.
  4. Test and adjust: Check imported content for accuracy and adjust URLs, menus, and design elements to match your new Drupal environment.

Potential Issues:

  • Data mapping: Matching WordPress data structures and content types to Drupal equivalents can be tricky, requiring configuration adjustments.
  • Custom functionality: Migrating specific WordPress plugins or themes might not be directly possible, needing alternative solutions in Drupal or rebuilding from scratch.
  • Media asset handling: Ensure proper paths and references for images and other media files during the migration process.
  • SEO considerations: Redirecting old WordPress URLs to their new Drupal counterparts is crucial to maintain search engine ranking.
  • Theme and design adaptation: WordPress and Drupal use different templating systems, so your existing WordPress theme won’t work directly in Drupal. You might need a new theme or adapt your existing one.